What did I learn: Tic-Tac-Toe App

This is my first game app for Android and it’s a tic-tac-toe game. I’ve made TicTacToe before on other platforms but not with Kotlin and published on Android. I thought we could go through some of the similarities, differences and what I learned. First, what was similar was the game logic. Game Logic Tic Tac …

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Create PowerShell TicTacToe Game

Boredom induces the need to keep my mind busy. Imagine being stuck in a place with access to only a basic windows 10 workstation and heavily content filtered internet. Luckily, PowerShell is still enabled on the workstation. So you decide to spend your time creating a PowerShell TicTacToe game to pass the time. Caveats and …

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Download CPU App

Why a Download CPU app? Why would I create an app to Download CPU? Well, of course to enable everyone on Android phones to download CPU. “Isn’t that silly?” some people may ask. Yes, it is ridiculous, but I did it for fun. I started off the Download CPU with just pictures in paint to …

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