Boredom induces the need to keep my mind busy. Imagine being stuck in a place with access to only a basic windows 10 workstation and heavily content filtered internet. Luckily, PowerShell is still enabled on the workstation. So you decide to spend your time creating a PowerShell TicTacToe game to pass the time.

Caveats and Warnings

This PowerShell TicTacToe game took me total 6 hours to research (Google search all the code formats) and put together. Warning, I tested it sparingly and I missed following basic coding best practices.

Looking back at my work there are areas of code that need to be shortened and more comments. Secondly, I prefer to consolidate code with numerous method calls instead of repeating code lines. However, for a small project that occupied my thoughts and passed the time, to small project was enjoyable.

PowerShell TicTacToe game source code

<# Tic Tac Toe Game
Created by powersjo. 

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

$Path = "$Home\Documents"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe)){
    New-Item -Name TicTacToe -Path $Path -ItemType Directory    
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board)){
    New-Item -Name Board -Path $Path\TicTacToe -ItemType Directory    
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\1.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 1.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\2.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 2.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\3.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 3.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\4.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 4.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\5.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 5.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\6.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 6.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\7.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 7.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\8.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 8.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\Board\9.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe\Board -ItemType file -Name 9.txt
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt)){
    New-Item $Path\TicTacToe -ItemType file -Name player.txt

Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt '1'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\1.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\2.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\3.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\4.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\5.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\6.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\7.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\8.txt '0'
Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\9.txt '0'

$Form                            = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.ClientSize                 = '380,290'
$Form.text                       = "Form"
$Form.TopMost                    = $false

$Button1                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button1.text                    = ""
$Button1.width                   = 30
$Button1.height                  = 30
$Button1.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(115,64)
$Button1.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button2                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button2.text                    = ""
$Button2.width                   = 30
$Button2.height                  = 30
$Button2.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(187,64)
$Button2.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button3                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button3.text                    = ""
$Button3.width                   = 30
$Button3.height                  = 30
$Button3.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(260,64)
$Button3.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button4                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button4.text                    = ""
$Button4.width                   = 30
$Button4.height                  = 30
$Button4.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(115,111)
$Button4.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button5                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button5.text                    = ""
$Button5.width                   = 30
$Button5.height                  = 30
$Button5.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(187,111)
$Button5.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button6                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button6.text                    = ""
$Button6.width                   = 30
$Button6.height                  = 30
$Button6.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(260,111)
$Button6.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button7                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button7.text                    = ""
$Button7.width                   = 30
$Button7.height                  = 30
$Button7.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(260,157)
$Button7.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button8                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button8.text                    = ""
$Button8.width                   = 30
$Button8.height                  = 30
$Button8.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(187,157)
$Button8.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button9                         = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button9.text                    = ""
$Button9.width                   = 30
$Button9.height                  = 30
$Button9.location                = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(115,157)
$Button9.Font                    = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Button10                        = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button10.text                   = "reset"
$Button10.width                  = 60
$Button10.height                 = 30
$Button10.location               = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(186,207)
$Button10.Font                   = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'

$Label1                        = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label1.text                   = "Turn: Player 1"
$Label1.width                  = 60
$Label1.height                 = 30
$Label1.location               = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,10)
$Label1.Font                   = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'


    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt '1'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\1.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\2.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\3.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\4.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\5.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\6.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\7.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\8.txt '0'
    Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\9.txt '0'
    $Button1.Text = ""
    $Button2.Text = ""
    $Button3.Text = ""
    $Button4.Text = ""
    $Button5.Text = ""
    $Button6.Text = ""
    $Button7.Text = ""
    $Button8.Text = ""
    $Button9.Text = ""
    $Label1.Text = "Turn: Player 1"

function Cycle-Player{
    $tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
    if($tempPlayer -eq 1){
        Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt '2'
        $Label1.Text = "Turn: Player 2"
        Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt '1'
        $Label1.Text = "Turn: Player 1"

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\1.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        if($tempPlayer -eq 1){
            $Button1.Text = "X"
            Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\1.txt '1'
        ElseIf($tempPlayer -eq 2){
            $Button1.Text = "O"
            Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\1.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\2.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button2.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\2.txt '1'
                $Button2.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\2.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\3.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button3.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\3.txt '1'
                $Button3.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\3.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\4.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button4.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\4.txt '1'
                $Button4.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\4.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\5.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button5.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\5.txt '1'
                $Button5.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\5.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\6.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button6.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\6.txt '1'
                $Button6.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\6.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\7.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button7.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\7.txt '1'
                $Button7.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\7.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\8.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button8.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\8.txt '1'
                $Button8.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\8.txt '2'

$tempPlayer = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\player.txt 
$tempSpot = Get-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\9.txt
    if($tempSpot -eq 0){
        switch ($tempPlayer){
                $Button9.Text = "X"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\9.txt '1'
                $Button9.Text = "O"
                Set-Content $Path\TicTacToe\Board\9.txt '2'


In conclusion, the end product is very bare bones. The featured image above gives a screenshot of the finished product. Additionally, feel free to copy and use or improve or disregard the code. Finally, just consider the work an open source contribution to the internet. Thanks for reading.

If you want to check out my previous blog post on code / scripting click here.

If you want to read a different topic try any of my book reviews.

Most of the help I found online was located here at StackOverflow.

I have a new Tic Tac Toe app. You can download the game from the Google Play store here or from the Amazon app store here.

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Published by Powersjo

If you want to contact me I can be found here: Christ is King