More than a recap of the Largest Study of Millionaires, Baby Steps Millionaires written by Dave Ramsey, is a book 30 years in the making. This book looks at millionaires that have followed the Dave Ramsey plan to see if the 7-Baby-Steps hold true. Much like the Total Money Makeover, this read peppers in accounts …
Category Archives: Thoughts
AZ-900 Study Guide – Identity & Security
On a journey to add some qualifications for Azure under our belt, studying for exams is needed to ensure we pass. Alternatively, being familiar with identity and security terms helps us bolster our tech security. Find the below questions, answers and topics for studying for your AZ-900 exam. AZ-900 Exam material What is Zero Trust? …
Review of The Sun Does Shine
The Sun Does Shine, How I found Life and Freedom on Death Row, is a powerful personal account from Anthony ‘Ray’ Hinton. Ray was on death row in the Alabama Judicial system for nearly 30 years, for a crime he didn’t commit. No one goes through life believing that their life is going to change …
Review of Hunting Discomfort
Hunting is Discomfort is written by Sterling Hawkins and is all about pushing through hardship while embracing the experience of your situation. Discomfort is necessary and you must go through it to come out on the other side. One of his first challenges is to face your reality. Facing Reality First you should reflect on …
Review of Kings of the North, Elizabeth Moon
Author Elizabeth Moon writes the sequel, Kings of the North, to Oath of Fealty. If you have not read it, I wrote a review of Oath of Fealty here. Kings of the North picks up with King Kieri’s coronation and him attempting to find a wife. Like the last book in the series, Moon tells …
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