Review of Rhinoceros Success

Rhinoceros Success, the secret to charging full speed toward every opportunity is a short book all about your mindset. You are a rhinoceros and you don’t take any bull. You barrel on through every opportunity, wake up early and dominate your life! The book is written by Scott Alexander with a forward by Dave Ramsey. …

Veeam instant recovery to a VM

How to use Veeam instant recovery to a VM. With Veeam version 10 (I assume and above) you can instant restore a physical server backup to a VM. In Veeam navigate to your backups and right click on a physical server backup. Go to “Instant VM recovery” and choose either “VMware” or “Hyper-V.” *Important Note* …

Review of The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant is written by Terry Felber and this version of the book has a foreword by Dave Ramsey. The book is a short, fictional story portrayed as a grandfather tells his grandson about his life as a merchant. The grandfather was adopted by monks but grew into his …